Wednesday 6 February 2013

Are men ready all the time for sex?

By: Nader Torki
Do you think men are ready 24 hours a day and seven days a week for having sex? Do you think they have buttons that once you click on them whenever you want they will be answering your call at any time?
Sorry to disappoint you ladies, but the answer is NO.
Men might seem to think about sex all the time and that it is filling the major parts of his brain and everything else is just secondary (beside eating, sleeping and sports of course), but thinking something and doing it are not always two sides of the same coin.
Men are just like women; sometimes they are not in the mood for having sex. I'm talking about men that are not experiencing any physical or psychological problems preventing them from having sex. I'm referring to men that have a normal sex drive and are not suffering from a frequent erectile dysfunction; I'm talking about normal men with none of the above.
There are many reasons men might not be in the mood for having sex. Some of them are physical reasons; temporary illness or fatigue or even if he is just tired and sleepy. But other important reasons are mainly mental and not just physical. Bear in mind that the mental turn-on is more crucial than the physical turn-on, simply because sexual desire starts in the brain.
Men can just shut down if stressed, sad or if work and financial problems or life complexities in general are piling up. Of course these reasons affect men's sexual appetite and desire gradually and as he gets older and faces more responsibilities and life experiences, so men in their 30s and older are not expected to have the same sexual desire and readiness as teenagers or younger men.
Also, by getting older some men start to lose their self-esteem about their performance or their body shape alters, which affects their confidence.
Always take into consideration the above factors and if he is not having any physical reasons then you need to do some preparations to have sex in different and creative ways that will make him have the right mental turn-on and be ready to enjoy your time together.
Tip of the week: Men love to be in control so beware; if you are the one asking for sex all the time this might affect his ego and turn him off. From time to time let him be in control and let him initiate it sexual interaction.


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